Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wow, indeed a long time without an update!

My goal is to blog something every week as  Sam is getting so big very fast.  It seems like I can't remember everything so I will blog about it in order to help me remember.

Dear Sam,
Today, May 20, you weigh 18 pounds.  I simply am amazed how far you have come.  When Daddy and I first met you in the NICU we could see all the veins in your belly and today you are 18 pounds. Your hands are fat. You legs have rolls.  Your belly is poking out.  You have dimples on your elbows.  And I am love with each of those parts.  You love to eat, Sam.  You love oatmeal, all fruits and all most all vegetables with the exception of peas.  You also love to feed yourself. 
You have learned to army crawl and very fast!  Yesterday, you crawled from the front room to the bedroom as you wanted Daddy who was getting your bath ready. You don't like to sit still which is why  you hate your diaper or clothes changed.  
We are so in love with you, Sam.


  1. I completely loved reading this post. I am so thrilled for you that you have Sam and my goodness what a lucky boy he is to have you both as parents. What a blessed family you are, thank you for sharing Sam with all of us. I look forward to more posts!

  2. i love the pictures-he is so cute and getting so big. Where did you have your pics done?
