Friday, July 16, 2010


Dear Samuel Alexander,
You have been keeping Mommy and Daddy very busy lately so I am sorry for the lack of letters.  You are getting so big, Sam!  When I took you for your weigh in two weeks ago you weighed 18.4 pounds.  I could not believe my eyes and I still can't believe it!  You are crawling, fast, can stand for few seconds and love to climb the stairs.  You will walk about five steps in between us.  You taking two naps everyday for a hour!  Who would ever thought you would do that after all you slept only 20 minutes for a very long time.  We are planning your 1st Birthday party.  Your Aunt Boo said she would help me which is fantastic as I still do not want to believe you will be a year old.   It seems like yesterday we were flying home with you in our arms.  And look at you now at ten months! Your smile melts my heart.  When you wake up and I come get you out of your crib you give me a love, every time!  Oh, how I love that.  You are eating table foods.  Your favorites are cheese, Cheerios, watermelon, whole wheat bread, cantaloupe and rosemary flat bread from Trios.  You love to go on walks, love Murphy, love baths and going swimming. 
You just woke up so I will go get my love and we will go play!

Samuel, you are my best buddy and my little man. 
Love always,

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