Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy 4 month Angel Day, Cole!

My dearest Cole,
I can not believe it has been 16 long weeks since I held you and kissed your little face as you left to be with Jesus. I can not believe it has been 16 weeks since your Daddy held you and loved on you. Grandparents counted your toes and fingers. Daddy kissed your little hands. And then you left us to be an angel.
We are trying to strong, Cole, but our hearts break daily that you are not here. We do know you are with God and He is singing you lullabies.
Please send strength to Mommy. Hope for Daddy. Love for both of us as we struggle to make it through this day.
I made blueberry pancakes this morning for Daddy for breakfast. I hope you can see the mess I made. I know you would laugh! It is a disaster! It is a good thing we have a dishwasher.
Your tree has a lot of new buds. It looks like it might bloom in the next few days. Also the Peace Rose is ready to re bloom for the third time. Thanks for the all blooms, Cole. It sure brings us a lot of smiles to our faces!
We are off to walk your big brothers as soon as Daddy gets off his conference call.
Happy Angel Day, my little buddy. We will celebrate you today with you on our hearts, in our minds and always full of love for you, Cole.
I better go start cleaning of the mess I made.
We love you with every fiber of our hearts!
Until we meet again,
Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:

  1. Nicole you are amazing, you are a wonderful mother, and wonderful wife and just a beautiful person. Your little Cole is beyond blessed to have you as his Mommy. Happy Angel day to your sweet little boy.
