Tuesday, August 11, 2009

16 weeks ago

Dear Cate,
Sixteen weeks ago I gave birth to you, my precious little fighter. We know you fought as long as you could and we thank you for the extra two weeks we had with you. You are in our thoughts today, Cate, as we celebrate your short life and the impact that you have made. You have touched a lot of lives as I share you story with strangers who have become Mommy's friends. You have reached places that I could not ever hope to in my lifetime and you reached them in your short little life here with us. We are blessed beyond measure to have you as our daughter.
We have learned how to laugh again, Cate. It took Daddy and I a long time but we laugh now. We laughed a lot on our trip to Chicago. We laughed when the beluga whale spat water at Daddy, we laughed at silly dolphins playing with their toys, and we laughed when we saw how little our hands are compared to the gorillas. Daddy and I needed a vacation together to reconnect and we did. We laughed, we cried, we hoped and we smiled. We thank you for the love that we felt from you and Cole.
We miss you beyond measure and look forward to the day that we can hold you in our arms when you welcome us home. Please continue to send laughter, smiles and hope down to your Mommy and Daddy. Please also continue to watch over us from above. We turned in our final adoption book today, Cate, our final piece of our adoption paperwork. We hope that you will help us keep our hearts open for what is to come. We know you will make a great big sister!
I love you sweet baby girl!
Until we meet again,

1 comment:

  1. The letters you write to your children are inspiring. They certainly are so lucky to have you as their parents. I wish you so much luck with the adoption process, I'm sure that people will see what a wonderful choice of parents you would be. Thank you again for sharing these letters.
