Friday, June 19, 2009


I entered to run a 10k on September 5, 2009, our due date. I emailed girls I know who do not have their babies here in arms and are suffering with broken hearts. Each day I train (everyday but Saturday) I dedicate a training run to them. My ultimate goal is to get two angels or more for each mile of the race. If anyone knows of a Mommy who has an angel, will you comment and let me know their story? I will add all the angels names to my race bid.
My feet will run, my heart will be heavy but I will be running for angels. For mine and I hope for other Mommies.


  1. i lost my first pregnancy, my peanut, at 10w, 2days from a missed m/c. there's not a day that goes by that i don't think of or miss my 'nut.

  2. Thanks Sunflower. I will put Peanut's name on my bib on Sept. 5.

  3. I have two angels.. Grace Amber 18 wks and our other baby (we will call Hope) at 8 wks... I miss Grace every day.. My heart will never be the same without her here..

  4. i have an angel baby. Her name is McKenzie Lee, she was born at 32wks 6days due to a uterin rupture and a placental abruption. she was born on 5/15/09 and today the 4th of july was my due date with her.
