Monday, June 15, 2009


This weekend, thanks to Connee and Lynn, we stayed in Park City and...
* we belly laughed all the way down the Roller Coaster... I can't remember the last time we laughed that hard
* we smiled
* we ate wonderful sushi at Blind Dog
* we listen and danced with the a ton of people as a band played to celebrate Park City 125th year old birthday
* we remembered and cried over the babies death
* we lit a candle and prayed at Saint Mary's Catholic Church
* we hiked
* we found really fat worms!
* we relaxed
* we watched five baby cows chase each other
* we giggled
* we watched huge white puffy clouds pass over the mountain
* we sat in a hot tub while raindrops fell
* we bought a photo that reminded us of our babies ( I will post it when I get it framed)
* we wished upon one star
* we ate pancakes the size of the plate
But most of all, we felt peace while sitting in Saint Mary Catholic Church. Peace. A word I never thought I would feel, not now, not anytime soon... but yes, I as stood in that beautiful church with my darling husband while watching cows in the pasture I felt peace! Peace that our babies are with God. Peace that we are being watched over. Peace that we are going to make it. Peace that somehow someway we are going to be earth parents and just not to dogs! Peace that I will hear our baby cry, peace that we will tuck it into bed at night, peace that bedtime stories will be heard and peace for our little family will have little feet running around. Peace.
Awe! Peace! I still miss my babies but awe peace. It is a very good thing.
Thanks Connee and Lynn! We can not tell you how much we needed this weekend. Thank you!

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